

A milestone: A significant stage or event in the development of something.

At Sequence we think of milestones as markers in something significant. Generally we tend to associate our current ability with what we are sending. Unfortunately this isn't always the best way to measure progression, you may run out of climbs to send, your circumstance might change, you may have completed all the hard local climbs or your priorities change. This is where milestones come in.

A milestone can be anything that you think represents progression or is noteworthy to track. Adding a milestone in Sequence gives you the power of working out what you were doing to achieve that milestone and to help learn, replicate, or progress.

Examples of milestones:

  • Personal best on the hangboard
  • Sent a hard moonboard problem
  • You just felt amazing - awesome day at the crag
  • You repeated a climb
  • You sent your project
  • Basically anything that is noteworthy 🎉

Currently the data hasn't been surfaced in the milestone view or in the metrics view but we are working super hard to bring you this in the not too distant future.

To add a new milestone all you need to do is click on the "three dot icon" at the top of the day column and select "Add Milestone". Fill in the fields and select "Create".

Milestones 1

Milestones 2

Once your milestone is created you will see it at the top of the day you created it in. You can add as many milestones as you like. You just can't drag them like workouts.

Milestones 3

To view the details of the milestone just click on it and view the details in the drawer. You can edit and delete your milestone from the "three dot icon" in the top right.

Milestones 4

Milestones 5