Rest Days

Rest Days

One major aspect of becoming a better climber is keeping on top of your training load and making sure you don't overtrain. One simple metric to make sure you are not overtraining is rest days. Within the Sequence platform we offer the ability to track rest days according to what you think a rest day is.

How Sequence determines rest days:

  • Any day that doesn't have any completed workouts
  • You explicitly mark a day as a "Rest Day"

This means you can still have a day with activities like rehab, cardio or stretching, but are able to mark it as a "Rest Day". It's really up to you to decide what a rest day is in the context of your training program, and the platform has been designed to allow you the flexibility to do it the way you want to.

To mark a day as a "Rest Day" all you need to do is click on the "three dot icon" at the top of the day column and select "Mark As Rest Day".

Rest 1

To remove the "Rest Day" all you need to do is click on the "three dot icon" at the top of the day column and select "Remove Rest Day".

Rest 2

When you mark a day as a "Rest Day" you will see a badge indicating it is a rest day.

Rest 3

This is an example of a day that will be automatically be counted as a rest day. You don't need to mark it as one, but you can if you want to (e.g. to plan rest days in your training program).

Rest 4

Rest days will show up in a number of metrics throughout Sequence. Here is an example of the number of rest days being shown in a milestone.

Rest 5

As with everything, this will evolve as Sequence does. We'd love to hear feedback or ideas on how you plan and utilise rest days in your training!